Tuesday, September 12, 2006

TMB Baseball Try-Outs

Trevor gears up for the fall ball season.

Tio's camerawork was not quite up to par this day, due in part to extra bright sunlight and what was apparently a suboptimal camera setting for the conditions. But you can see Trev rip a couple of hard grounders up the middle, like we like to see, and make solid contact with all four pitches. Solid performance, TMB.

Listen closely for a disinterested party positively assessing Trev's performance via cell phone at the very end. Was it that big-league league scout people said was in attendance?



At 9:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The comments at the end of the person talking onthecell phone are todd Erickson talking to Amy on cell phone. sorry honey, no big league scout!



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